Police cadets in the United Kingdom

The term Police Cadets has two principle meanings in the United Kingdom. It may refer to the Police Cadet scheme which allows young adults to serve on the pay-roll of their local police in a virtual apprenticeship, leading (in most cases) to subsequent enrollment as a full-time Police Constable; this scheme was phased out in most English and Welsh police forces between 1990 and 1995, but is still active in Scotland. The term may also refer to the more recent (post-1995) Volunteer Police Cadet youth organisation, that offers an insight into policing, under the general supervision of the local police force in England and Wales.


Police Cadets (apprentice police officers)


The Police Cadet scheme no longer operates in England & Wales. Police Cadets never had the powers of a Police Constable, but were employed by police forces to work alongside regular Constables, learning about police work in a practical and 'hands-on' environment. Working as a Police Cadet in this way usually went alongside more classroom-based training. On operational duty, despite having no powers of arrest, they were able to assist their more senior colleagues in many practical matters (such as taking statements, directing traffic, or offering crime prevention advice) as well as observing the work of their supervisors. Applications were accepted from the age of 16, and full time paid Police Cadet service continued until the age of 19 or 20, by which time a Cadet would either apply for training as a Constable, or leave the police force.


The Police Cadet uniform was, in most force areas, identical to the uniform of regular constables, with two exceptions. Firstly, Cadets wore a peaked cap with a blue band (as opposed to the police black and white Sillitoe Tartan design), and never wore a police helmet; and secondly, they wore a "Police Cadet" shoulder flash/badge on their tunics.

Police careers

Many of the most senior policemen in the United Kingdom, including many recent Commissioners of the Metropolitan Police Service, Commissioners of the City of London Police, and County Chief Constables, started their careers as full time Police Cadets. Appointment as a Constable was never guaranteed, but service as a Police Cadet was a significant advantage in the selection process, and appears to have provided a solid basis for the subsequent careers of many senior police officers.


The Police Cadet scheme continues to operate in Scotland, with recruits typically entering the scheme aged 16 and serving for two years, before progressing to the regular police force. Cadets are employed full-time, although salaries tend to be low. Entry examinations are required, but those who have completed the scheme are not required to resit the entry examination on progressing to the regular police.[1]

Police Cadets in popular culture

In 1980 the ITV television network aired The Squad, a drama series which followed the fictional adventures of Metropolitan Police Cadets. The twelve episodes were produced by London ITV-franchise company Thames Television.[2]

Volunteer Police Cadets (youth organisation)

Police work

There are a number of Volunteer Police Cadet schemes for young people aged (in most cases) between 14 and 18. These groups are designed to provide a sense of what it is like to be a police officer, by getting cadets involved in various police related activities, such as crime prevention projects. Some forces allow cadets to go out on patrol with Police Officers or PCSO's in connection with non-confrontational policing duties, once they reach the age of 16. Each scheme is sponsored by a statutory police service, although it has a separate identity, and in that sense is more distant from regular policing than the work of the former full-time Police Cadets. In most forces there are no formal entry requirements to become a cadet.

Pioneering schemes

Following the demise of the full time cadet scheme, one of the first Volunteer Police Cadet schemes was launched in Cambridgeshire. These cadets wore a similar uniform to the old full time cadets but were issued with a navy blue combat-style sweater (marked 'Police Cadet') instead of a tunic. In Hertfordshire a Volunteer Cadet Scheme was launched at Force Headquarters, predominantly based on sporting activities or the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. It was non uniformed, but cadets were issued with a light blue V neck sweater which had the county emblem embroidered on it. The Hertfordshire scheme has now changed and cadets wear a uniform similar to regular police officers, but with the word "cadet" embroidered on epaulette rank slides instead of a collar number and the similarly the word "cadet" on the left breast reflective strip instead of the word "police".[3] Cadets are encouraged to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme and most schemes include a strong element of outdoor experience such as rock climbing, kayaking/canoeing, hillwalking and navigation. The Telford Volunteer Police Cadets, operational since the mid 1990s, won the Queens Award for Voluntary Service in 2010.[4] Each year this group participates in the Crucial Crew Workshops at Buildwas Abbey, and polices a wide variety of events jointly with full-time police colleagues. In most cases Volunteer Police Cadets wear a recognisable police uniform, but with the black-and-white chequered hat band replaced with a band of either green-and-white, or the traditional police cadet solid blue band. An exception is the Volunteer Police Cadets of Devon and Cornwall Police; this force has already assigned solid blue hatbands to its Police Community Support Officers, and so uses a solid red hatband for its Police Cadets.[5]


The largest cadet scheme is operated by the Metropolitan Police Service, which has its own Police Cadet Training Centre. Metropolitan Police Cadets (aged from 14 to 19) are involved in continuing further education (studying for A-levels), learning about the police service, carrying out attachments to Divisions and Specialist departments, learning First Aid, and engaging in community work projects with the disabled and disadvantaged.[6] Police cadets representing forces from all over the country formerly spent a weekend at Hendon Police College, in North London, for the annual National Police Cadet Competitions. This involved cadets competing in a range of police activities and scenarios, in which they were competitively assessed. In 2006, the Metropolitan Police announced that the National Cadet Competition was no longer to be held at Hendon due to operational and financial constraints.

Future expansion

In North Wales a force-wide Volunteer Cadet Scheme operates to support the Police at non-confrontational events. These Cadets are issued with uniform similar to regular officers but with green and white checks. Also engaging in sporting and training activities, this Cadet service is a 'happy medium' between a straightforward youth organisation and the old style Police Cadets. There has been discussion on the possible expansion of volunteer police cadets to all 43 territorial forces in England & Wales based on the North Wales model of the scheme.

On Sunday 14 June 2009, the Metropolitan Police Volunteer Police Cadets took part in what is believed to have been the largest ever formal parade of young people, to celebrate the 21st anniversary of the establishment of the Volunteer Police Cadet force in what was named as the "colour parade" and was carried out on Horse Guard's Parade. Each cadet troop was formally passed a Standard (flag) under the review of the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir Paul Stephenson, and other senior officers of the Metropolitan Police. The parade also included the showing of vintage police vehicles, police dogs, and a static display of the Boys Brigade's London Massed Bugle Band. Bands that lead the four columns of a total of 1,400 cadets (and various police cadet staff, most of whom also hold different roles within the Metropolitan Police) were Metropolitan Police Pipe Band, the Nottinghamshire Police Pipe Band, the British Airways Brass Band, and the Enfield District Scout Band.

Schemes in operation

See also


  1. ^ Full details of the training programme and salary levels are shown on this web page from Scotland.
  2. ^ See the British Film Institute website here for more details.
  3. ^ This uniform is illustrated here.
  4. ^ Official report of the award on this webpage.
  5. ^ As stated and illustrated here.
  6. ^ As outlined on this webpage.

External links